We rarely have a motorcycle rider guest on a hot summer day.
But he came, from Korea.
韓国・釜山港からフェリーにバイクを積載して下関港から入国。ナンバープレートには日本の自賠責保険のシールを貼り、車体にはROK(Republic of Korea=大韓民国)の文字を大きく標記して日本をツーリング中です。
He loaded his motorcycle on a ferry at Busan Port in Korea and entered Japan at Shimonoseki Port. He is taking a tour in Japan with a Japanese insurance sticker on the license plate and “ROK” (Republic of Korea) is prominently displayed on his motorcycle.
Touring across the border is a big trip. However, he is easygoing. “I’m going to Mt. Fuji to see and return to Shimonoseki via Tottori,” he said. While we were talking at Wakabaya with a map, “Mt. Fuji seems too far away, so I decided to go around Shikoku, not to Mt. Fuji.” His plan was changed so easily.
さすが旅人、これぐらいフットワークが軽くなくては! どうぞ日本でのツーリングを楽しんで。
Yes, he is a free traveler. Enjoy your motorcycle travel in Japan!