While traveling by motorcycle around India under the lockdown during the pandemic, I was detained by the police. I had to be locked up in a police facility for several weeks and got almost mentally upset. So, I made it a routine to break out of the police during the day and sneak back again in the evening.
An extraordinary traveler visited Guest House Wakabaya. While we welcome guesthouse beginners and families with children, we actually welcome hard-core travelers like him.
The moment he walked into the entrance, I knew intuitively, “Yes, the real backpacker has come!” He was a little younger than me, and his appearance was not dirty. However, his sandals had big holes in the soles, and his feet must have touched the ground, so he was no ordinary guy.
He did not want to go to tourist attractions like Ritsurin Garden or Naoshima, so he asked me, “Is there a place where I can buy sandals?” Yes, his sandals would be inadequate. Then, he asked me again, “Is there a place where I can learn how to weave Japanese zori sandals?”
Of course, he had to get new sandals for him first. And, he knew that he could get rope anywhere in the world. So, he thought that as long as he had the skill to weave zori sandals with rope, he would be able to earn money by himself without devoting his lifetime to an employer. When I heard that, I immediately thought to myself.
He is a paradigmshifter!
Here is another story. A lady visited Takamatsu on business and stayed in Wakabaya. She said she came to sell the book they edited to a bookstore in Takamatsu.
「どんな本なんですか」と、本を見せていただきました。その本は、「新百姓」。英題は「View of Paradigmshifters」。「人間の創造性を解放する雑誌」と銘打ち、「どうすれば私たちはシステムの支配から開放されるか? なぜ人類はいまだに毎日を遊んで暮らすことができないのか?」と問いかけてくる雑誌です。なるほど、こんなヤバそうな雑誌を置いてくれる古書店といえば、そう、なタ書です。私は新百姓0号「問う」をパラパラと読んですぐに、なタ書のキキさんに連絡を取って、注文を入れました。セネガル・メディナサバ村での2年間を経て、今こうして自宅で宿屋を営むようになり、ふらりと家族で旅に出たりしている私にとって、共感できる指摘と考察が丁寧に書き綴られていたからです。そして、この本が説く「新百姓」はまさに、あのインド脱獄の彼だと思ったので、「今晩の読書にどうぞ」と半ば強引におすすめしました。
“What kind of book is it?” I asked her. The book is titled “View of Paradigmshifters“. It introduces itself as “A magazine that liberates human creativity,” and asks the question, “Why can’t we be playful every day?” The unique bookstore that accepts such challenging magazines is Natasho. I flipped through the magazine and immediately contacted the bookstore owner to order it. After my two-year experience in Medina Sabakh village, Senegal, I now run my own guest house at home and sometimes travel with my family freely. I felt that my way of life and the considerations carefully written in the magazine had much in common. And since I thought that the “paradigmshifter” the book defines was exactly today’s guest, who broke out of the Indian police, I handed it to him for tonight’s reading.
The next morning. “It said a lot of things I’ve been thinking about lately. Thank you very much,” he said and returned the book to me. Then he checked out toward the mountains to visit a Japanese zori sandal craftsman with the guidance of my favorite osteopath.