広東語話者によるラ行とナ行の聴取混同 Aural confusion of Japanese sounds by Cantonese speakers

旅人さん Our Guests


A man from Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, stayed at Guest House Wakabaya. He spoke Japanese fluently and called himself “otaku (geek)”. His vocabulary, which he has acquired through online game chatting and Japanese novels, was awesome. I could understand 100% of the Japanese he spoke, but he said, “There are Japanese people who can not understand my Japanese at all.” Why? As I continued our conversation carefully, I realized that certain sounds were distinctly different from those of native Japanese speakers.

“Say ‘ra, ri, ru, re, ro’.”

“ra, ri, ru, re, ro. ra, ri, ru, re, ro.”

Hmmm, a bit wrong. But I don’t think it’s so bad that I can’t communicate at all. We continued our conversation afterward.

No, there are other wrong sounds besides the “r” line!

“Say ‘na, ni, nu, ne, no’.”

“na, ni, nu, ne, no. na, ni, nu, ne, no.”

Something wrong.

“Say again ‘ra, ri, ru, re, ro’.”

“ra, ri, ru, re, ro. ra, ri, ru, re, ro.”


Surprisingly, he told me that there is no distinction between the “n” and “l” sounds in modern Cantonese, his mother tongue. However, even though he knew it, his “ra, ri, ru, re, ro” was very close to “na, ni, nu, ne, no” and his “na, ni, nu, ne, no” was very close to “ra, ri, ru, re, ro”. Furthermore, he was not aware of it, and even when I pointed out his mistakes, he didn’t recognize the difference. The note made during our conversation contains illustrations of the position and shape of the tongue (picture above).

As a language geek, this is really interesting to me. While we were repeating “ra, ri, ru, re, ro, na, ni, nu, ne, no”, I found an exact thesis. The paper showed that the “n” and “l” sound discrimination has disappeared in modern Cantonese, that the surrounding sound environment strongly influences the confusion between Japanese “n” and “r” sounds, and that Cantonese speakers themselves are not aware of that aural confusion. Exactly what is described in the paper was true for him in front of me.

I printed out the thesis and handed it to him at check-out as he would arrive at Takamatsu Airport early to wait about four hours for his flight back to Hong Kong (Hong Kong and Guangzhou are close). Would you like it too?

Masako OKUBO (2010) “Auditory confusion of ‘n’ and ‘r’ sounds in Japanese language learning: a case study of native speakers of Hong Kong Cantonese” Waseda University Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics
