自転車が駐輪しやすくなりました。Wakabaya prepares a bike stand.

旅人さん Our Guests



We prepare a bike stand.

Road bikes can be safely parked without leaning against a wall.



  • 場所を取らない(駐輪場で他のお客さまのバイク駐輪スペースに干渉しない)
  • 使わないときも場所を取らない
  • 自転車のサイズや形状によらず、どのタイプにでも概ね使える
  • 安全に駐輪できる
  • 初めて見た人でも使い方がすぐに分かる

There are various types of bicycle stands, and our requirements are as follows.

  • Does not take up a large space not to occupy a space for motorbikes
  • Does not take up space when not in use also
  • Can be used with almost any type, regardless of the size or shape of the bicycle
  • Can keep bicycles parked safely
  • Can be used easily even by a guest who sees it for the first time

高松市内の「バイシクルショップ 田町クラウズ」さんでこちらの要望を丁寧に聞き取っていただいて、こちらのスタンドを購入しました。

I visited a local bicycle shop “Tamachi Clouds” for professional advice and bought this stand there.




A university student cyclist checked in Guest House Wakabaya yesterday and the stand was used for the first time.

He was going to go cycling around Shikoku in 10 days and come back to Wakabaya.

His bike was still new and it was the first day of the first cycling expedition in his life.

I am looking forward to hearing the heroic stories of the young cyclist 10 days later.
