連休のある日にゲストハウス若葉屋での宿泊を希望された日本人女性が、宿泊料金を宿泊予約サイト(以下、OTA)ごとに比較できるGoogleの検索ツール、メタサーチを使って調べました。するとSUPER TravelというOTAで予約ができるようになっていたので、表示されている料金をタップして、SUPER Travelのサイト上で予約と決済を完了し、予約確認書もスマホで受け取りました。
そして、若葉屋にご到着。しかし、若葉屋にはその女性の予約情報は一切、届いていません。若葉屋とSUPER Travelとの間に契約関係はなく、宿泊料金が若葉屋に振り込まれることもありません。そもそも、その女性が「予約」をした時点で、その日の若葉屋は既に満室になっていて、予約は受けられないことになっていました。
- とにかく融通がきく!
- 予約が取りやすい!
- 簡単!
- 確実!
- 安心価格!
- 信頼の直接予約!
なお、若葉屋では以下のOTA5社と契約をしております。予約情報はすべて若葉屋に通知され、決済も保証されます。( )内は会社所在地です。
- じゃらんnet(日本)
- 楽天トラベル(日本)
- Booking.com(オランダ)
- Agoda(シンガポール)
- Airbnb(米国)
これら、若葉屋と契約のあるOTAは悪徳予約サイトではありませんが、利用には注意が必要で、政府広報も注意を呼びかけています(ここを確認! 旅行予約サイト選びのチェックポイント | 暮らしに役立つ情報 | 政府広報オンライン)。
A Scam Case at Wakabaya
Sadly, a scam reservation case has occurred at Guest House Wakabaya.
A Japanese tourist used Google’s metasearch to compare Wakabaya’s room rates on each OTA (Online Travel Agent). Then, she found that an OTA named SUPER Travel offered Wakabaya’s room, tapped the provided price, completed the reservation and payment on the SUPER Travel site, and received the booking confirmation on her smartphone.
She appeared at Wakabaya on her check-in day. However, we had not received any booking notice of her. Wakabaya did not have a contract with SUPER Travel, and even did not know them, so how would they transfer the paid room charge to us? In addition, when she booked our room, Wakabaya had been already fully booked for that day, so she could not have reserved our room.
It is a scam. They display fake information, lead to a fake reservation, and trick out of the room charge.
A scam OTA mingles with legitimate OTAs in the results of Google’s metasearch, which is getting more common. If you complete the procedure of making a reservation and payment easily and finally get a booking confirmation, can you find out that it is a scam?
Direct Booking is Recommended
We recommend a direct booking from the booking request form on Wakabaya’s official website, that you are viewing now.
- Flexible!
- More available rooms!
- Easy!
- Certain!
- Reliable price!
- Safe!
See the details.
Wakabaya has contracts with the following five OTA companies. All booking information will be communicated to Wakabaya and payment will be guaranteed. ( ) is the company location.
- Jalan net (Japan)
- Rakuten Travel (Japan)
- Booking.com (Netherlands)
- Agoda (Singapore)
- Airbnb (USA)
These OTAs with contracts with Wakabaya are not scamming sites but use them carefully.
To reserve Wakabaya’s room through an OTA is to contract with the OTA, not with Wakabaya. Therefore, an OTA booking is subject to each OTA’s policies on payment, cancellation, and so on.
Also, on some OTAs, the choices of the number of guests, especially for a family guest with children, are confusing. And some of them emphasize discounts but the basis of the price before the discount may be obscure.
In addition, Wakabaya would like to inform you of the precautions before the reservation is done, but some OTAs do not allow us to put them on view, so we have to notify our guests of them after the reservation is done.
We are looking forward to receiving your booking directly from the booking request form on Wakabaya’s official website.