“Oh, I didn’t order it!”
若葉屋の玄関に立っていた男性は、Uber Eatsのシールが貼られたWoltのリュックを手にしていました。
うっかり配達先を間違えて、若葉屋に来てしまった…のではなくて、今日のお客さんはUber Eats & Woltの配達員。
A man stood at the entrance of Wakabaya and had a Wolt backpack with a Uber Eats sticker on it.
Did the Uber Eats messenger come to Wakabaya by mistake?
No, he arrived at Wakabaya as a guest.
He seems interesting!
しかし彼にとっては、今のUber Eatsなどの配達員としての働き方や、時間の過ごし方が自分には向いていると感じて、「みんながやっているから」という理由だけでは、就職活動をやる気にはならない。
He is in the third grade of the university.
Many of his friends participate in an internship for job hunting.
However, he feels that the work style and how to spend time as a Uber Eats messenger is suitable for him, and “… because everyone does that” does not motivate him to do job hunting as others do.
Conditions around him changed such as his university life mostly getting replaced online, but he thinks to take advantage of the changes due to the pandemic for his life.
That’s great!
I saw the new way of life of a young man, who lives at this time.
Talking further with him, he told that he had taken a Russian language class at the university and became addicted to it.
He stayed in Khabarovsk, Siberia to study Russian for a month.
Moreover, his travel memories to Inner Mongolia by ferry and train excited me.
However, surprisingly, this was his first time staying at a guesthouse.
He intended to stay at a hotel in Takamatsu for four nights, but booked only three nights by mistake.
It made him look for a place for another night and reached Guest House Wakabaya.
“I wish I had checked in the guest house from the first night, not in the hotel!”
He gave me such a pleasant word and bought a Guest House Stamp Book to visit unique guest houses.
I usually write Mongolian script and Japanese on the book but wrote Cyrillic too, used in Mongolian and Russian, for a learner of Russian.
Then, I made the mistake of forgetting to write one Cyrillic letter!
I enjoyed talking with a guest, who could notice that mistake.