四国一周ドライブ・ツーリング Car & Motorcycle Travel around Shikoku

旅のコツ Travel Tips

四国は小さくない! Shikoku is not small.


If you are planning to go around Shikoku by car or motorcycle for the first time, Shikoku is probably bigger than you think. Many travelers plan to visit Kagawa, Tokushima, Kochi, and Ehime in four days. However, it is not impossible but will be a busy trip. Taking more days or shortening the distance is recommended. In particular, note that the distance is considerably long when circling Shikoku along the coastline. There are no expressways around Cape Muroto (southeast of Shikoku) and Cape Ashizuri (southwest of Shikoku). However, the scenery is great!

地図アプリと国道を過信しない Don’t believe Google Maps and “National Highway” too much.

国道439号線。National Highway #439

四国の山間部でのドライブ、ツーリングにも、注意が必要です。Google Mapsでは行けることになっていたり、「国道」であっても、道幅がかなり狭かったり、カーブが多くて予想以上に時間がかかったりします。いわゆる、酷道です。さらに、山間部では冬期通行止めもありますので、道路情報提供システムで通行止め情報を事前に確認しておきましょう。

Driving or touring in the mountainous areas of Shikoku requires more caution. Even if Google Maps says you can go there, or even if it is a “National Highway”, the road may be very narrow or have many curves, and it may take longer than expected. In addition, some roads in mountainous areas are closed during the winter, so be sure to check the road closure information in advance through the Road Information Provision System.

四国ツーリングには、ツーリングマップル Touring Mapple for motorbike rides

Google Mapsだけでなく、本の地図「ツーリングマップル」での予習をおすすめします。Google Mapsでは、常に現在地がわかりますし、目的地へたどり着くこともできます。ただし、Google Mapsが示したルートが、ライダー的に走りたくなるルートかどうかは、また別の話。ツーリングマップルは、ライダー記者が実走取材して作り上げられているので、四国ツーリングの醍醐味や絶景を楽しめるルートを紹介してくれています。ツーリングマップルでルート決めをして、その各ポイントをGoogle Mapsに保存して走る、というのがおすすめです。若葉屋の本棚にも置いてあります。

If you can read Japanese, we recommend prepping with the book map “Touring Mapple” not only with Google Maps. Google Maps indicates where you are and navigates you to your destination. However, that route is not always your favorite route as a motorbike rider. Touring Mapple is written by rider journalists who drove the routes, so it introduces exciting routes with spectacular scenery in Shikoku. You can find it on the bookshelf at Wakabaya.

絶景めぐりに四国八十八景 Shikoku 88 View Spots


The Shikoku 88 View Spots Project is a recommended website for travelers driving or riding around Shikoku. The site provides information from a traveler’s perspective on specific locations to view the spectacular scenery including the QR code for the Google Maps. The booklet is available at Wakabaya.

UPDATED 3rd August 2023
