高松駅前広場地下レンタサイクルポートで自転車を借りて、別のサイクルポートで返却する場合や、キャッシュレス決済を利用したい場合は、専用アプリ HELLO CYCLINGが必要です。スマートフォンなどへ事前にインストールし、会員登録(無料)、決済情報の登録を済ませておくことをおすすめします。
If you would like to rent a bicycle at the Takamatsu Station Basement Bicycle Port and return it at another bicycle port, or if you would like to pay the charge with a credit card, the dedicated app HELLO CYCLING is required to use Takamatsu City Rental Bicycle. We recommend that you install it on your smartphone, register as a member (free of charge), and set up your payment information in advance. English and Chinese are also supported on the app.
If you will rent a bicycle at the Takamatsu Station Basement Bicycle Port and then come back to the same bicycle port and return the bike, you do not need the dedicated app. You can rent a bike by presenting your ID at the bicycle port office, completing the procedure, and paying cash at the gate. The officer will recommend you to use the app, but if you say “I’m in a hurry!”, you can get the procedure done.
The reception hours for rental and return bicycles at the Takamatsu Station Basement Bicycle Port are between 7:00 and 23:00.
When you arrive at Takamatsu East Port 高松東港 by Jumbo Ferry, at first, take a free shuttle bus bound for JR Takamatsu Station 高松駅. The bus runs only once after the arrival of the ferry. In case you miss it, you’ll have to walk for 45 minutes or take a taxi to Wakabaya.
Free KAGAWA-WiFi is available around Takamatsu East Port, the bus terminal, and JR Takamatsu Station.
You’ll arrive at Takamatsu Station Bus Terminal in about 10 minutes. Walk forward shortly and you’ll see an artificial pond on your left. Across that pond, there is a lift going down to the basement.
This is the lift. You see JR Takamatsu Station on the right.
Take the lift and go down to the 1st basement.
After getting off the lift, the app user goes right on the passage.
When you enter the bicycle parking lot, rental bicycles are lined up there, so rent it.
If you do not use the app, after getting off the lift, go left on the passage to find the office. You can rent a bike by presenting your ID at the bicycle port office, completing the procedure, and paying cash at the gate. The officer will recommend you to use the app, but if you say “I’m in a hurry!”, you can get the procedure done.
Take Exit 4 at the back of Zone-D in the bicycle parking. Once on the ground, walk straight at the intersection where you see the stone wall and turn right. This is the stone wall of the Takamatsu Castle. While you keep walking straight, you will see the Takamatsu Branch of the Bank of Japan on your right and the Takamatsu High Court on your left. This Takamatsu central area was originally within the Takamatsu Castle.
Soon, you will not miss the arcade of Hyogomachi Shopping Street町商店街. Turn left and enter to the arcade. These shopping arcades in Takamatsu are 2.7 km in length and it is the longest in Japan.
この商店街を端まで直進していきます。途中にはもちろん、うどん屋がありますし、純喫茶、老舗和菓子店、パチンコ屋、三越、新築のホテルも軒を連ね、鉄鍋からLouis Vuittonのバッグまで揃います。この兵庫町商店街から片原町商店街へと続く直線はもともと、高松城の外堀の土手に当たります。兵庫町、片原町、丸亀町の3つの商店街が交わるところにあるドーム天井は、イタリア・ミラノのガッレリアのドームをモデルにしています。
Go straight to the end of this shopping street. Of course, there are udon noodle shops along the way, and nostalgic cafes, traditional local sweets shops, pachinko, a department store, and a new hotel, too. You can buy everything from a frying pan to a Louis Vuitton bag there. The straight street from Hyogomachi 兵庫町 to Kataharamachi 片原町 was originally the bank of the moat of Takamatsu Castle. The glass-domed ceiling at the crossroads of the three shopping arcades of Hyogomachi, Kataharamachi, and Marugamemachi 丸亀町 is modeled after the Galleria dome in Milan, Italy.
A Kotoden railway crosses over the shopping street. I luckily saw the Ukraine-colored trains today.
Even after finally leaving the shopping arcade, keep straight passing in front of Matsumoto Pharmacy 松本薬局.
Cross the Shinbashi Bridge 新橋 where the river does not flow and continue straight ahead. Actually, a river called Sembagawa 杣場川 used to flow there, but after the war, it was underdrained, and now the river flows underground. The mouth of the river was located to the east of Takamatsu Castle and used to be used as a pier by merchants in Edo Period, the 18-19th century. My ancestors called themselves Wakabaya, they were engaged in the shipping business there.
When you see the Beans building on the far left of the traffic light, cross the crossing straight and turn right. After that, keep straight for a while.
After crossing Route 11, you will see Takamatsu Daiichi Elementary and Junior High School 高松第一小・中学校 on the left side. Originally, there was Matsushima Elementary School 松島小学校 there. This is the place of my alma mater.
When you can see the Yakiniku BBQ Koran 焼肉香蘭, Wakabaya is near. Turn at the next traffic light.
Cross this crossroad straight and then turn left.
Shortly, you will see the Kankobashi Bridge 観光橋 over the Gobogawa River 御坊川 and cross it. A long time ago, there was a temple Koshoji Betsuin upstream of this river, and it was called “Gobo-san” which means a monk. So this river came to be called Gobo River.
After crossing the bridge, turn right at the corner with the signboard of Daté Hospital 伊達病院.
Shortly, you will find Wakabaya with a signboard on your left. Welcome!