今年、2024年春に香川県まんのう町に新しくオープンされたゲストハウスBB LODGEの宿主さんご家族が、ゲストハウス若葉屋に戻ってきてくださいました!
The host family of Guest House BB LODGE, newly opened this year in Mannō Town, in spring 2024, revisited Guest House Wakabaya!
They stayed with us two years ago too. At that time, they told us that they wanted to move to Shikoku and open a guesthouse while living with family, and they hadn’t yet decided where to move to.
The dream of that time came true! We talked a lot about their new life. And I liked their business style also.
若葉屋には「ゲストハウスを始めたいんです!」というお客さんが年に何組かお越しになります。移住地のご相談にのることもあれば、具体的な設計図面を見ながらアドバイスをすることもあったり。そして、こちらのBB LODGEさんみたいに開業までこぎつけてお知らせしてくださったお宿も何軒かあります。うれしいことです。
Sometimes guests who want to open a guesthouse visit us. We consult with them about where to settle, and sometimes we give them advice on building plans. And some of them, like the host family of BB LODGE, succeed in opening a guesthouse finally and let us know about it. We are very happy.
Enjoy your guesthouse and farming😃 I will visit you when I am in the neighbourhood!
ゲストハウスBB LODGE