Agoda お子さまとのご宿泊について Lodging with children

お知らせ News

English follows Japanese.

若葉屋のAgodaサイトでは、2歳までのお子さま、もしくは「こどもD」は1人1泊500円で添い寝として、また、3歳以上のお子さま、もしくは「こどもA, B, C」は大人料金と同額で1人1組の寝具(布団・ベッド)を利用されることを想定しています。これに基づいた部屋タイプと寝具数のご宿泊パターンのほか、いくつかのご宿泊パターンが提示されます。(ただし、繁忙期などは実際のご宿泊人数に依らず、若葉屋指定の下限宿泊料金が提示されることがあります。)




The Guest House Wakabaya’s Agoda site assumes that children up to 2 years old or “Child D” share the bedding (futon or bed) with their parents at 500JPY per child per night and that children 3 years old and older or “Child A, B and C” use their own bedding at the same price as adults. In addition to the combination of the room type and the number of beddings based on that assumption, several combinations are suggested as search results of (However, Wakabaya’s fixed lowest rate may be suggested during the busy season regardless of the actual number of guests.)

A guest selects the combination of the room type and the number of bedding during the booking process. The number of human icons that a guest selected is the number of bedding that Wakabaya will prepare. The confirmation sent from Agoda shows the price, the number of adult guests, the age and the number of child guests, but not the number of bedding.

If you enter the number of “Child A, B, C or D” when searching the price, Agoda may automatically enter a different age than the actual age of your child, but no need to correct it.

Even after making a reservation, if you would like to check the number of bedding, increase or decrease the bedding, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us in advance. We will try to help you flexibly.

