大鍋で年越し New year’s day with a hot-pot party

旅人さん Our Guests

A Happy New Year!

The year 2023 has come rapidly without looking back at 2022.

Many families of all generations, from babies to grandpa in his 90s, spent the New Year holidays at Wakabaya. Thank you so much.

この年末年始のうちの3泊は一棟貸しでのご利用でした。一棟貸しで若葉屋の大きな座卓を家族で囲めば、そう、鍋! 事前にリクエストをいただいていたので、IH対応の大鍋をお貸ししました。座卓でも電源が使えるようにしていますので、ここに若葉屋のミニキッチンにあるIHクッキングヒーターを持ってきて、大鍋を置けば鍋パーティーが楽しめます。
We rented the whole house for 3 nights during the New Year holidays. When Japanese families surround a large low table, let’s have a hot pot party! We lent a big pot to them on their advance demand. The power supply is available on our low table, so bring the IH cooker from Wakabaya’s mini kitchen on it and put the pot on it, a hot pot party gets ready!

When we rent the whole house, I don’t disturb them. I spent a happy New Year’s Day hearing laughter surrounding the hot pot beyond the door.

May Guest House Wakabaya be the place for a happy time and a wonderful journey in 2023 as well.
