瀬戸内国際芸術祭と充電 Setouchi Triennale, see you again!

おしごと Owner's Works


The Setouchi Triennale 2022 was closed on November 6th. One night during the autumn session, I took a picture of the big low table in Wakabaya’s living room.


When we had few guests during the pandemic, we installed a new power point to enable our guests to charge their devices on the table. This is because the batteries of their phones are low on arrival at Wakabaya from the trip and we often give travel advice to the guests and enjoy chatting together at the table.


However, the new tap was not used often due to COVID. Finally, all three sockets were used for the first time during the Setouchi Triennale and I took the picture. Looking at the tap, guidebook, and brochure of the Triennale on the table, don’t you hear travelers chatting about their art trip?


It was reported that the number of visitors to the Setouchi Triennale 2022 was the lowest ever due to COVID. However, I enjoyed it much at Guest House Wakabaya. It will be held again in 2025. We look forward to welcoming you from all over the world.
